Adventures of Trescebes

David Estrada introduced us to the character of Trescebes in the book 'Trescebes, transportista' (Crea't edicions, 2018), where the boys and girls of the crab class and Miss Liduvina made him the protagonist of their games and his curiosity.

Now, through Adventures of Trescebes (Crea’t Edicions, 2021), we will follow the day-to-day life of Trescebes with eleven stories full of commissions, hunger and rage. We will get to know some of his friends, the world in which he moves, and the complications of each transport. And above all we will laugh at its messes and the amazing solutions that put it in order.

Sílvia Morilla has sweetened the narratives with her very nice and delicate illustrations. He has placed the characters in the most special moment of each story and added a lot of details because we also see the adventures of Trescebes from another point of view and without ceasing to smile.

April 2021

You can buy it from here

The Magic Flute


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